Hi I've never written anything like this before, but someone must have some advice for me as I have no idea what to do. I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years all although last year we broke up for 10 months as I couldn't handle his mad life style. But in those 10 months I tried to talk to him and get back with him as I missed him and felt like I should give it another shot.
Those 10 months I developed severe depression and anxiety, I lost a lot of friends as I stopped going out as I was so down. He was completely cold to this idea and ignored me. I kissed one of his friends on a night out, and about a month later we got back together, he didn't talk to or get with anyone else in the time we were apart and he reminds me regularly of how much that kiss hurt and still hurts him. I feel very bad but I can't rewind time, so I make every effort to make our relationship good and happy and we have been fine for about 4 months now. Although we kept argueing about small things and then it results in us not talking for 1 week +, completely no communication. Until I go round his house and make peace, even if it was his fault we argued. He refuses to put our relationship on Facebook which has worried me and my self confidence as I feel he is ashamed of me. His family love me and I really care about him, but not talking to me for days on end after an arguement and not putting out relationship on social networking sites has worn me down, I feel so down and we haven't talked in 10+ days now. But when we are together and fine he is so loving and I feel like he really cares about me. But his actions suggest otherwise. I don't know if I should talk to him or break up with him or if I'm just mad please someone help