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Family Psychology

62 подписчика

How Does a Parent Discipline a Naughty Child?

How a parent should discipline a naughty child has been a controversial subject for many years. Some parenting professionals will tell you to use times outs and reasoning, while other people still prefer the old fashioned spanking. Truthfully, what works with one child may not work for another. The child's age has a lot to do with the appropriate form of discipline.

A very small child does not understand reasoning or time outs. An older child may react even worse if she is put in a time out chair. Plan your discipline carefully to avoid further outbursts.

Calm and Assertive

  • Time outs will work for toddlers, but you will need to be patient and consistent. If you have caught your toddler throwing toys, refusing to eat or acting impolite, tell her in a calm voice to stop the unwanted behavior. Tell her that children who don't behave go in time outs. Speak calmly but firmly.

    If the child does not stop the naughty behavior, pick her up and set her on a chair or the couch. Explain that she needs to sit still for a while. The average time out is one minute per year of age--for example, a three year old needs to sit for three minutes. If the child gets up, calmly and quietly pick her up and put her back. Do not say anything, just place her back in her time out spot.

    Try giving the child a timer to hold that is set for the appropriate time. Explain that she must sit quietly until the timer goes off. When the timer goes off, go to the child and praise her for fulfilling her time out discipline. Spend time playing for a few minutes so the child understands she is no longer in trouble.

    If a small child continually grabs for things she is not allowed to touch, take the item from her, tell her "no" and give her something she can have, such as a favorite toy. Play with her for a few minutes so she understands you are happy when she has toys, and unhappy when she touches the other object.

Teach By Example

  • Never discipline a child of any age in anger. Yelling only upsets you and the child. Older children understand being calmly told why you are upset with their behavior. Do not tell the child you are upset with him, or are angry with him. Tell him you are upset by his behavior or actions. When you yell, scream or berate children, they feel unloved and unwanted.

    Remember that children learn and follow examples. Discipline yourself to act and react like you want your children to. If you expect them to have good table manners and clean their plate, make sure you lead by example. If you expect them to have a clean orderly room, make sure your area is clean and orderly as well.

    If you expect them to listen to you, and to not rudely interrupt your conversations, show your child the same courtesy. If you were wrong about something, tell your child so and apologize. Children understand things a lot better than we think they do. Set a good example, be calm yet assertive and soon your naughty child will no longer need discipline.


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