With the rise of movies and television series over the last couple of decades, we have almost lost a sense of reality. We have genres such as comedy, romance and drama. Each of these almost always have a love story intertwined within the plot. These movies and televisions depicting different kinds of love stories may alter what we think is an ideal relationship in real life. We find ourselves striving for relationships that we see on television and in the movie theater. They give us a false sense of what a successful love life looks like. When we don’t achieve this cinematic love life we feel as if the relationship is doomed and unsuccessful. So, what do we do when we do not have the love life of our dreams?
As an Author, Speaker and Publisher, Fiona Fine is growing a movement for women to live and love on their terms. She is the founder of the company Goddess Connection with the dating advice site HowToPutTheFunBackIntoDating.com and the e-magazine Women Who Run It: Your Life-Your Love-Your Terms! Her newest publication is her book Babe In Total Control of Herself- Stop Chasing Men and Start Choosing LOVE. Fiona is a dating and relationship expert in her early 50’s. She’s had a consulting/coaching practice for 15+ years and coaches women and men who want to create their best life of love, work, health, passion and fun!